Legal Notice

Information provided according to Sec. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG)

gotvintage GmbH
Schoenhauser Allee 84
10439 Berlin

Represented by Margarita Gozalvez-Ehrhardt


T +49 30 310 11 599
F +49 30 7474 6299

Register entry

Registered at the commercial registry Berlin, Germany
Registering court: Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany
Registration number: HRB 182574 B

Value added tax

Tax ID number according to Sec. 27 a German value added tax act DE815675921

Responsible for contents acc. to Sec. 55, para. 2 German federal broadcasting agreement (RstV)

Margarita Gozalvez-Ehrhardt – gotvintage GmbH, Schoenhauser Allee 84, 10439 Berlin, Germany

Dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution: Please find our contact details above.